Handbook of research on gender and leadership

Handbook of research on gender and leadership Edited by Susan R. Madsen. - Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar ©2017 - xxxvii, 457 pages illustrations 25 cm - Research handbooks in business and management series. .

The current status of women leaders worldwide / Elizabeth Goryunova, Robbyn T. Scribner, and Susan R. Madsen --
The Asilomar declaration and call to action on women and leadership / Women and Leadership Affinity Group, International Leadership Association --
Reflections on glass : second wave feminist theorizing in a third wave feminist age? / Savita Kumra --
Creativity in theorizing for women and leadership : a multi-paradigm perspective / Julia Storberg-Walker and Kristina Natt och Dag --
Social psychological approaches to women and leadership theory / Crystal L. Hoyt and Stefanie Simon --
Sociological approaches to women and leadership theory / Christy Glass and Alicia Ingersoll --
Sociolinguistic approaches to gender and leadership theory / Judith Baxter --
Using organizational and management science theories to understand women and leadership / Chantal van Esch, Karlygash Assylkhan, and Diana Bilimoria --
No woman left behind : critical leadership development to build gender consciousness and transform organizations / Laura L. Bierema --
Women's leadership aspirations / Lynne E. Devnew, Ann M. Berghout Austin, Marlene Janzen Le Ber, and Mary Shapiro --
Women's leadership ambition in early careers / Ruth Sealy and Charlotte Harman --
Women's leadership identity : exploring person and context in theory / Wendy Fox-Kirk, Constance Campbell, and Chrys Egan --
The role of purpose and calling in women's leadership experiences / Karen A. Longman and Debbie Lamm Bray --
Women, leadership, and power / Katharina Pick --
Using neuroscience methods to explore gender differences in leadership / Suzanne J. Peterson and Amy L. Bartels --
The connection between success, choice, and leadership during women's careers / Sarah Lebermana nd Jane Hurst --
An overview of gender-based leadership barriers / Amy B. Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski --
Organizational processes and systems that affect women in leadership / Michelle Bligh and Ai Ito --
Individual stresses and strains in the ascent to leadership : gender, work, and family / Amy E. Smith and Deneen M. Hatmaker --
Gender stereotypes and unconscious bias / Deborah L. Rhode --
Theorizing women's leaders' negative relations with other women / Sharon Mavin, Gina Grandy, and Jannine Williams --
The effect of social media on women and leadership / Carole Elliott and Valerie Stead --
Advancing women through developmental relationships / Wendy M. Murphy, Kerry Roberts Gibson, and Kathey E. Kram --
Gender differences in developmental experiences / Cathleen Clerkin and Meena S. Wilson --
Women-only leadership programs : a deeper look / Mary Ellen Kassotakis --
Supporting women's career development / Ronald J. Burke --
Future strategies for developing women as leaders / Faith Wambura Ngunjiri and Rita A. Gardiner. edited by Susan R. Madsen (Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Woodbury School of Business, Utah Valley University, USA).


Leadership--Sex differences.
Women executives.


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