Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis A Step-by-Step Approach

Harris Cooper

Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis A Step-by-Step Approach by Harris Cooper - FIFTH EDITION - New Delhi Sage 2017 - xviii, 360 pages; Illustrations: 25 cm.

INTRODUCTION: LITERATURE REVIEWS, RESEARCH SYNTHESES AND META-ANALYSES STEP 1: Formulating the Problem STEP 2: Searching the Literature STEP 3: Gathering Information From Studies STEP 4: Evaluating the Quality of Studies STEP 5: Analyzing and Integrating the Outcomes of Studies STEP 6: Interpreting the Evidence STEP 7: Presenting the Results CONCLUSION: Threats to the Validity of Research Synthesis Conclusions

The Fifth Edition of Harris Cooper's bestselling text offers practical advice on how to conduct a synthesis of research in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. The book is written in plain language with four running examples drawn from psychology, education, and health science. With ample coverage of literature searching and the technical aspects of meta-analysis, this one-of-a-kind book applies the basic principles of sound data gathering to the task of producing a comprehensive assessment of existing research.


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