Europe and Central Asia Economic Update, April 2019 : Financial Inclusion.

Europe and Central Asia Economic Update, April 2019 : Financial Inclusion. - 1 online resource (0 pages) - Europe and Central Asia Economic Update . - World Bank e-Library. .

With slowing global growth and increasing uncertainty clouding the global economic prospects,the Europe and Central Asia region faces a more challenging context than previously envisioned.Growth in the emerging markets and developing economies in the region slowed in 2018 and isprojected to decline to further in 2019, before picking up in 2020-21. What challenges does theregion face in the coming year? In the long run, how should policy makers design policies thatboost growth and help individuals and firms adjust to the interplay between globalization andtechnological change? Within the global context, this update summarizes the recent developmentsand outlook for the region. The focus of this issue is on financial inclusion in the region, as one ofthe important policy areas that can promote long-term growth, reduce poverty, and enhanceresilience to shocks.

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