World Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, April 2019 : Managing Headwinds.

World Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, April 2019 : Managing Headwinds. - 1 online resource (166 pages) - World Bank e-Library. .

Despite global economic volatility, growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) was resilientduring 2018, and in the first quarter of 2019. The growth outlook for developing EAP is expected tosoften in 2019, as China's economic expansion continues to moderate. Downside risks remain,including expected moderated global demand, continued trade tensions, the risk of a faster-thanexpectedfinancial tightening in developed economies, the risk of weaker-than-expected growth inChina, and continued financial market volatility. Also, or in combination, these risks could weigh on the region's growth prospects in the short-to-medium term. To manage global and regionalheadwinds, developing EAP economies should reduce short-term vulnerabilities and enhance buffers,redouble their commitment to an open, rules-based international trade and investment framework,including through deeper regional economic integration, and deepen structural reforms. Theintensification of risks underscores the need to continue to enhance economic security by investingin human capital and strengthen social assistance.


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