Singh, Janardan Prasad.

2005 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation / Singh, Janardan Prasad - 1 online resource (96 pages) - Independent Evaluation Group Studies . - Independent Evaluation Group Studies World Bank e-Library. .

The 2005 Annual Report on Operation Evaluation examines the use of information by World Bank managers to improve development results and enhance the effectiveness of the Bank at the country level. It suggests that greater attention is needed to measure and manage development results at the country level. This will require strengthening countries' performance measurement capacity. The Bank is making progress in strengthening the results focus of its monitoring and evaluation, but more attention is needed to improve performance measurement and tracking progress.

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Banks and Banking Reform
Country Strategy and Performance
Finance and Financial Sector Development
Financial Literacy
Macroeconomics and Economic Growth
Poverty Monitoring and Analysis
Poverty Reduction
Private Sector Development