Sustainable Energy for All 2013-2014 : Global Tracking Framework Report - 1 online resource (292 pages) - Sustainable Energy for All . - Sustainable Energy for All World Bank e-Library. .

A team of energy experts from 15 agencies worked under the leadership of the World Bank and the International Energy Agency to produce this comprehensive snapshot of the status of more than 170 countries with respect to energy access, action on energy efficiency and renewable energy, and energy consumption. The report's framework for data collection and analysis will enable us to monitor progress on the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) objectives from now to 2030. The report also shows how different countries can boost progress toward sustainable energy. Reaching universal energy access depends decisively on actions in some 20 'high-impact' countries in Africa and Asia. Attaining the global objectives for energy efficiency and renewable energy hinges on efforts in some 20 developed and emerging economies that account for 80 percent of global energy consumption. Finally, the report identifies a number of 'fast-moving' countries whose exceptionally rapid progress on the triple energy agenda since 1990 provides not just inspiration, but know-how that can help us replicate their success elsewhere.

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Climate Change
Cooking Fuels
Energy Access
Energy Efficiency
Energy Financing
Global Energy Consumption
Poverty Reduction
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Energy