Beck, martha

Finding your own north star: How to claim the life you were meant to live/ by Martha beck - London: Piatkus, 2001. - xvi 380 pages

Including Indes

Change is happening all the time, both planned and unplanned. It's how people respond to change that determines their personal success and, ultimately, the success of their entire organization. Change Is Everybody's Business provides insights and action ideas for people in all workplace roles so they can be conscious and influential participants in change.The author points out that executives can formulate strategy but it's the everyday actions of lower-level employees that make change happen. She demonstrates how everyone in an organization has the ability to make positive changes, beginning by acknowledging the power they already have. Written in a conversational and supportive style, the book outlines the beliefs, skills, and actions that will enable anyone to welcome and take advantage of change rather than fear and resist it.


Self-actualization (Psychology)

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