Kline, Rex B.

Principles and practice of structural equation modeling by Rex B. Kline - 4th ed - New York Guilford Press, [2015] ©2016 - xvii, 534 pages illustrations 26 cm - Methodology in the social sciences. .

Part I. Concepts and tools --
Coming of age --
Regression fundamentals --
Significance testing and bootstrapping --
Data preparation and psychometrics review --
Computer tools --
Part II. Specification and identification --
Specification of observed variable (path) models --
Identification of observed-variable (path) models --
Graph theory and the structural causal model --
Specification and identification of confirmatory factor analysis models --
Specification and identification of structural regression models --
Part III. Analysis --
Estimation and local fit testing --
Global fit testing --
Analysis of confirmatory factor analysis models --
Analysis of structural regression models --
Part IV. Advanced techniques and best practices --
Mean structures and latent growth models --
Multiple-samples analysis and measurement invariance --
Interaction effects and multilevel structural equation modeling --
Best practices in structural equation modeling.


Structural equation modeling
Multivariate analysis
Social sciences--Statistical methods--Data processing

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