Lawton, Alan

Ethics and management in the public sector by Alan Lawton, Karin Lasthuizen and Julie Rayner - London Routledge 2013 - xii, 184 pages illustrations 24 cm - Routledge masters in public management. .

Managing ethics in the public services --
Ethical theory: what is the right thing to do and who is to say so? --
Public interest: is there such a thing and what purpose does it serve? --
Public service motivation and ethos; why do public officials work above and beyond the call of duty? --
Ethical culture: what is it, is it universal and how can it be changed? --
Compliance approaches: how can we police ethical standards and behaviour? --
Integrity approaches: can we trust public officials to police themselves? --
Ethical performance: how do we know if we are doing well and good? --
Leadership: does ethical leadership make a difference? --

9781138281158 INR 950

Public administration--Moral and ethical aspects
Civil service ethics
