Arup Mitra

Corruption and Development in Indian Economy by Arup Mitra - New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2016 - xii, 158 pages; illustrations: 24 cm.

List of Tables and Figures
Chapter 1. Issues in Corruption: Theoretical and Empirical
Chapter 2. Corruption in India: A Comparison with the Rest of the World
Chapter 3. Estimation of Personal Income Tax Evasion in India: Evidence from Household Survey
Chapter 4. Effects of Corruption on Firms' Performance: Evidence from Firm Level Data
Chapter 5. Determinants of Bribery in Indian Firms: Who Must Pay Bribes?
Chapter 6. Labour Market Flexibility and Corruption: Issues Related to Labour Contractualization and Business Subcontracting
Chapter 7. Corruption in Innovation: Effect of Innovation on Performance

The book studies how corruption is viewed in theoretical and empirical literature and how various macro and micro level approaches have been followed to study the issue. It offers an inter-country comparison of corruption, indicating the role of governance in the context of growth. The volume attempts to work out that component of black income which is due to understatement of personal income, resulting in loss of government revenue as far as the personal income tax is concerned. It examines the impact of corruption on performance. Determinants of bribery are studied to know why some firms pay bribe while others do not in an economy when they face the same macroeconomic environment, policy and regulations.